中北书院 graduates at Commencement.

Common Questions About Commencement


A: No. That's what the official graduation audit is for. It will tell you what you have left to do. 要了解您还需要满足哪些要求,请访问Merlin并查看您的My Progress页面.

 点击这里 for Graduation Requirements.

Q: How do I apply to graduate?
A: 根据公布的截止日期,通过梅林提交您的在线申请. 选择“自助服务”选项,然后选择毕业帽图标. If submitted on time, the $200 application fee is waived.

If you have substitutions in your major or minor, 系主任必须通过课程替代表签署批准. The form is available in the HUB, 并可通过电子邮件(registrar@noctrl)提交给注册主任办公室.edu. For graduation application deadlines, click 在这里

其他毕业信息可以通过点击注册主任的毕业页面找到 在这里.

Q: How do I find out if I have applied for graduation?
A: 如果你不确定你是否已经填写了毕业所需的表格, 登记梅林, 选择“自助服务”选项,然后选择毕业帽图标.  

Q: How do I find out if I have enough credits to graduate?
A: 要查看总学时,请访问Merlin,查看我的进度页面. 这是一个非官方的学位审核,显示你所有的毕业要求, the courses that you have already taken, what you are registered for and your credit totals. 这是一个 great tool to keep tabs on your graduation progress.

Q: How do I order my 帽 and gown, and other graduation items?
A: Cap and gown ordering begins on January 1. 订单的链接将发布在毕业典礼网页上,并发送到您的电子邮件中. You MUST order your 帽 and gown online by March 10 于4月16日下午3点至6点在温兹音乐厅举行的毕业典礼倒计时仪式上领取. 
Decoration of your graduation  是可选的. 必须 学校 适当的.

Q: Do I have to attend the MANDATORY rehearsal?
A: 是的!  所有毕业生必须参加. 您将收到您的座位分配以及有关仪式的其他重要细节.

Q: Are tickets required for my guests?
A: 现在,已经决定毕业典礼不需要门票. 座位将以先到先得为原则,因此立博在线体育鼓励客人尽早到达. 十一点半开门.m. 如果学院因不可预见的情况需要改变该政策, students and parents will be notified.

Q: How many Commencement ceremonies are there?
A: 每年只有一次毕业典礼在五月初举行.

问:其他学生告诉我,即使我要到夏季学期才毕业,我仍然可以在五月毕业典礼上走路, 这是真的吗??
A: 这是真的. There are guidelines, however:

  1. You must submit a graduation application by March 15th.
  2. You must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0或大于等于2.0 or better in your major at the time of Commencement.
  3. 你将在夏季学期结束前完成毕业要求.

 如果你必须在秋季学期上课以完成你的毕业要求, you are not eligible to walk early in Commencement.

Q: What should I wear to the ceremony?
A: There is no specific clothing requirement, 但请学生们记住,这是一个正式的学术典礼,需要戴帽子和穿长袍.

Q: How long is the ceremony?
A: The Commencement ceremony typically lasts about 2 hours.


A: 学院已安排专业摄影师为戴帽的毕业生拍照 & gown outside of Old Main on Friday prior to graduation. 这是一个 步行只有 会话. 关于这次拍照的更多信息可以在毕业典礼网站和毕业典礼手册中找到. 梯度图像还将拍摄每个毕业生拿到文凭的那一刻. 毕业生及/或家长可于毕业典礼周末前,将他们的电邮地址及邮寄地址提供给立博在线体育. 如果他们在毕业前注册电子邮件地址,就可以享受八折优惠. For more information, visit www.gradimages.com

A: For safety and space reasons, strollers are not allowed. 带孩子的客人可将婴儿车留在受监控的落客区.

A:  颁奖典礼将以先到先得的方式预留座位. Upon arrival, please check in with ushers and they will assist you. Because seating in the reserved area is limited, 只有一名家庭成员可以陪同个人,立博在线体育建议提前到达以确保座位.

Q: Where are we able to park?
 As with all major campus events, 学生宿舍/毕业典礼娱乐中心附近的停车场将会拥挤. 立博在线体育鼓励参加毕业典礼的客人使用芝加哥大道以北的校园停车场. 街道停车也可以,请遵循所有城市内珀维尔标志. 立博在线体育将张贴信息和方向标志,以帮助立博在线体育的毕业生客人.

在宿舍楼/娱乐中心附近提供有限的残疾人停车位,并以蓝色突出显示. 需要帮助的人可以在入口附近下车.

点击这里 for parking map.

A: 立博在线体育与立博在线体育内珀维尔的一些酒店合作,为学校的所有朋友和家人提供折扣. 你是否来参观, attending a sporting event or seeing a play, one of our hotels can surely accommodate you. Please support those who support us by staying in Naperville! 点击 在这里 for our Hotel Partner website.

Q: Is the Commencement ceremony available in Spanish?
A: 今年毕业典礼的西班牙语翻译版将提供给提前预订的人. 早上10:30开始.m. 在毕业典礼的早晨, 提供带照片的身份证件的客人可以在进入宿舍楼/娱乐中心时在左侧的桌子上获得预订的耳机. 该ID将被保留,直到耳机返回到相同的位置. 点击 在这里 for info about Spanish Translation.

Q: Where can I buy flowers for my graduate?
A: Flower ordering will be available closer graduation. 点击 在这里 的更新.

Q: Where can I order a yard sign for my graduate?

A: 庭院标志可以通过点击校园书店购买 在这里.

Q: What are some of the dining options in Naperville area?

A:访问 DowntownNaperville.com和 DineNaperville.com for restaurant options. We suggest making reservations as this is a busy weekend in town.

We hope that you find this section helpful. If you have other questions regarding your graduation eligibility, 请致电630-637-5252或registrar@noctrl与注册办公室联系.edu. 如果你对毕业典礼本身有任何问题,请联系commencement@noctrl.edu或致电校友和家长参与办公室630-637-5200.