

Cecelia Schneller Mueller Professor of Religion, Professor of 宗教研究


+1 630 637 5318




佩里T. Hamalis joined NCC's faculty in 2004 and, in 2011, was named 的 Cecelia Schneller Mueller Professor of Religion. Dr. Hamalis teaches and pursues scholarship in 的 field of 宗教伦理, with special interest in 的 Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition, 美德伦理, and 的 intersection of religion and political philosophy. In 2015-16, he was awarded a 12-month Fulbright Senior Research and Teaching Fellowship and was appointed Underwood 访问ing Professor at Yonsei University in Seoul, 大韩民国. He also received North Central's Dissinger Award for Outstanding Teaching and 领导 in 2011 and Dissinger Award for Senior 教师 Scholarship in 2018. Dr. Hamalis co-edited and contributed to Orthodox Christian Perspectives on War (University of Notre Dame Press, 2018). His articles and essays have been published in journals including Studies in 基督教伦理, 宗教杂志, Journal of 的 Society of 基督教伦理European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Buisson热心的,和 Greek Orthodox Theological Review, and in numerous encyclopedias. He has contributed chapters to edited volumes including Child Theology: Diverse Methods and Global Perspectives (Orbis Books, 2021)Christianity, Democracy, and 的 Shadow of Constantine (Fordham University Press, 2017), The Orthodox Christian World (劳特利奇,2012), Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration (Fordham University Press, 2013), and 通过信仰思考 (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2008). His forthcoming monograph, Formed by 死亡: Insights for Ethics from Eastern Orthodox Christianity, will be published by University of Notre Dame Press.  Dr. Hamalis has lectured on topics pertaining to Religion and Ethics across 的 country, 在希腊, 意大利, 德国, 澳大利亚, 阿根廷, 在韩国. He also served as a consultant to 的 信仰 and Order Commission of 的 World Council of Churches and as a delegate of 的 Ecumenical Patriarchate to 的 WCC. Dr. Hamalis is an ordained deacon in 的 Orthodox Church and a frequent lecturer at churches across 的 nation.




基督教伦理 & 灵性

Religion and 的 Political Order


Urban Ethics and Religion



思想史:权力 & 治国之道

死亡 & 死亡
